Keep It Simple...

Apr 21, 2021

 by Micah Worrell

      Time and time again I hear clients, friends, family, etc. say that they just don't know where to start when it comes to their wellness journey, so then they never get it going. The sad thing? They're not alone and this is an all too common issue when it comes to getting the show started with our health.

      The best thing we can do for oursevles mentally & physcially and to help get us moving in the right direction is to KEEP IT SIMPLE! But, how do we keep it simple? Well, I'm glad you asked because that's exactly what we're going to talk about today. I'm going to break down THREE simple tips we can do to get feeling & looking better without having to put too much thought into it.

10K steps (walking)

     First thing we can do to move in the direction of getting healthier is to get at least 10K steps in everyday. When it comes to getting your steps in; it can be however you want to. Hop on a teradmill for a few minutes, park further from the front of the grocery store, or take a break mid-day break and walk outside for a few minutes, which gives you an added bonus of taking in some good ole' fahioned Vitamin D☀️. People often think they need a gym membership or fancy equipment to start, but they definitely don't! Just get those legs pumpinhg & moving and you'll be well on your way. Getting in your 10K steps everyday can burn up to 500 extra caloires everyday. Do that for 7 days straight and you'll find yourself burning an extra 3,500 calories a week!

Increase water

   Next on our list of easy things to do is to increase our water consumption. I know, I know; I've talked about this multiple times in the past, but it's because of how great it is for you! We are literally 70% water and everything in our bodies; from our muscles and joints to our blood and GI tract, utiizes H2O in one way or another. Water is not only great for the different reactions in the body, but is also awesome for helping wake us up, flush out toxins and excess sodium, and helps with recovery from our training sessions. So, how much water should you get everyday? General rule of thumb: take your bodyweight and divide that in half. For example, if you weight 140 pounds, then you should shoot for at least 70 ounces of water.

Track protein

     Last thing we're going to talk about today is food. Normally when someone makes it a goal to eat better, they get over zealous and try to jump straight into tracking and counting everything. Even though their intentions are good, more often than not, these people fall off the tracking wagon within a coupe weeks. Just like everything else, we want to take things slow. That's why I recommend to start with only tracking protein. Be sure your body is getting enough quality protein everyday to help it recover and build the muscle you're working so hard for. The easiest way to track this is to download a macro app (I recommend MyFitnessPal) and just put in your protein intake everyday.

     So, why track protein and not carbs or fat? Well, protein is extremely satiating (feeling of being full), is required for building quality muscle, and also burns more calories than any other macro during digestion. You ever get the "meat sweats" from a meal? That's because the body has to increase the metabolism and work harder to break down the protein for use in the body. When it comes to protein, an easy goal to shoot for is 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. With that said, if your goal is to lower your weight then you want to use your goal weight. So, if you weighted 160 pounds, but wanted to lower your weight to 145, then you would want to shoot for 145 grams of protein everyday.

There you have it fam; three simple steps you can stat today to help you inrease your overall health. Stick with these goals for a few weeks, once they've turned into daily habits and you don't even need to think about it; mix it up and add one more habit like meditation, strength training, or tracking another macronutrient.

Health can already be insanely complicated, so there's no reason to make it harder. Keep. It. Simple.

Wanting even more advice on increasing your health? Check out our blog or schedule a FREE goal mapping session today!

Disclaimer: The health information provided in this blog is provided for general informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional health advice. Accordingly, before taking any actions based on such information, we encourage you to consult with your doctor or other medical/healthcare professional. The use or reliance of any information contained on this site ( is solely at your own risk.